I have a lot of houseplants. Once upon a time I would spend a lot of time in the plant sections of grocery stores, or visiting my local nursery. Hello, my name is Deon and I love houseplants. Now, some people would call the care and collection of my plants a hobby, but I see it as much more than that. My plants have become part of my life, as well as part of my self-care plan. To me, they aren’t just inanimate objects in my home, but living, breathing additions that with good care to them, creates care for me. They’ve somehow become a staple of my life. I can not imagine being in a home without them.
It’s kind of funny how I even got into plants. I’d always had one or two. I grew up with parents who kept them, and remember being in awe of my late Uncle’s collection of plants. However, when you’re younger, you may like something, but it’s not exactly something you’d spend your limited resources on. Especially, when it’s something like plants which, can have a very short shelf life if you don’t know what you are doing.
When I moved into my new home, I decided I wanted to get some plants. I had lived with my Mom who had an air purifier in the house, however as a new homeowner, my budget didn’t have space for this need. So rather than breathe in stale air, I decided to take the cheaper route, which was to get some plants.
I had been reading up on how much they can clean the air, and was sold. Now initially I just wanted one for each room, but somehow, this desire spiraled into having much more than that. With the vast variety of plants and all their beauty, it is easy to become addicted to adding to your plant family.
So what started as a very practical purchase, soon developed into something else. Those who know, know. Multiple trips to plant nurseries, researching different plants and their care, as well as, moving them around to accommodate the space, etc, etc. Ultimately, they quickly became a part of my life.
Now I know there are a lot of people, who don’t feel they have a green thumb and don’t see the benefit of having house plants, but I’ve got to say they don’t know what they are missing! So, check the unexpected benefits that I’ve found.

They Encourage Mindfulness
There is something very therapeutic about owning plants. I believe it’s because they elicit a certain level of mindfulness and presence, to properly care for them. While some may view them as another chore or task, to me they are a form of therapy. The moment I pick up my watering can, I automatically begin to feel calmer, as I quickly enter nurturing mode. It’s kinda hard to be mad at a plant because we don’t ever blame them for their outcome. Whatever their state is, often is a reflection of what we’ve put into it.
Whenever I care for my plants, I know I have to be present as well as set aside enough time. First of all, there are way too many, but if I want to ensure their care, I need to come from a place of nurturing and curiosity. You can’t rush that.
I now understand why people have begun to refer to their houseplants as “plant babies”. There have been times I’m rushing through the door to get somewhere, and I see that one of them is kind of droopy, and it instantly slows me down. No matter where I am going, I always take the time, to go over and do it.
This is an example of how plants can bring you to the moment. You’re focused on its needs. As the Sales Associate in my local Home Depot said to me, “plants are people without faces”. They each have their individual needs and require nurturing.
As a society that is constantly on the go, finding something which can bring a sense of peace and mindfulness, is so healing.
If you want to learn more about self care, check out my post on creating a great self care routine here.

They Bring Joy
I live in Toronto, Canada where for a good portion of the year, we are faced with cool weather. Whether it’s the Fall that indicates everything is going dormant, or the harshness of winter, where things aren’t flourishing. The lack of green can be very drab, and quite frankly be a real downer.
Having houseplants, however, can truly help with this. I’ve found, having something green and growing helps me forget that when I step outside, the only thing waiting for me is ice and cold white stuff falling from the sky.
I’m pretty sure, there have been studies, which have looked at the correlation between plants and mood. A quick Google search and there are many articles to support this.
For me, the joy comes from seeing them flourish. While I’ve had many plants, which didn’t make it, I’ve had many more that have done quite well, and it is so rewarding to see that. They are like the gifts which keep giving. You can have a plant that lives for many years, with good care. You can even split them and create brand new ones. When I look at my oldest plants and see their transformations, it brings a deep sense of joy, because I say to myself “you did that”.
“A beautiful plant is like having a friend around the house”
Beth Ditto
To see a plant grow bigger and healthier is quite rewarding. This feeling of accomplishment is something that definitely can’t be overlooked. I have a sense of pride when people come over and comment on how good they look.
So if you are looking for a confidence booster or something to bring you joy. Houseplants are something to consider.
They Encourage Curiosity
I’ve been taking care of plants for a few years now. Despite how much I’ve learned though, there is always something more.
So many people believe “I can’t keep a plant alive”, however, I don’t believe this to be true. Like many other things, you’ve just got to develop the skill. Taking care of plants goes beyond just watering them. Plants aren’t generic, so each has varying needs. This is why I believe, taking care of plants requires a certain level of curiosity.
When I choose a plant, I go into inquiry mode. I am looking at, the type of light it requires, how much water it takes, how resilient it is, or is it prone to pests. Even when I have all these questions answered, the learning does not stop. Many years in, and I’m still learning.
For example, I had a miniature Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, which I thought had died, due to being taken over by pests. All the leaves had fallen off, and it was just the stem in the pot. I don’t know why I didn’t move it right away, but I just left it in its spot. To my surprise, leaves started to grow from the stem, which I thought was dead. How amazing!
I think it’s good to learn new things, and keeps us wanting to know more about the environment we are in. So I suggest, go to a nursery and finding a plant that calls to you, then get to researching!

They Keep Me Connected to Nature
With this digital age we are in, I truly believe it’s so important for us to be connected to nature. As “technologically efficient” we have become, I don’t think we’ll ever be able to fully sustain ourselves without a connection to the earth.
As someone who lives in the city, but loves the idea of being in the country, having living elements in my home has always been very important. That is where plants come in!
Plants can truly bring life to any space. Reminding us that not only are we connected to nature, but we are all a part of a cycle of life. In the summer things are vibrant and constantly growing, while in the winter things need to work harder to be sustained. As they go into their rhythm, so too, do I.
If you are looking for a way to connect to nature, plants are a perfect option.
Case Closed
To sum things up; as I continue to journey down my path of wellness, I am always looking for those things which can carry me farther down that road. There are so many studies that suggest the many benefits of owning house plants. This is why I think they are a great addition to a self-care plan. Mindfulness, curiosity, joy, and peace are all things we want to achieve when seeking wellness. You can experience it all when taking care of a plant!
If you are looking for more ideas around self-care, check out our resource library to download my 50 Self Care suggestions worksheet!