I have been in a very interesting place lately. I’ve really been compelled to reset and recharge.
Recently I wrote about the struggles I was having with “being productive”. I had been in a bit of a funk for a few weeks, and what I was learning from it. If you haven’t read the post you can check it out here. Well, update from that post. I’m still in that “funk”, but I’m embracing it. Rather than call it a funk, I would say that I’m in a reconfiguring space.
I am still not as productive as I think I should be, however, I am okay with it. I’m embracing it. Over the last little while, I have been so focused on my wellness and being a better me.
As I’ve probably mentioned somewhere on this blog, I am typically the type of person who is always on the go. Whether that be mentally or physically. Either I am dreaming a new dream, chasing a new opportunity, or consumed with whatever it is I am already doing. Over the years I haven’t given myself a lot of time to just rest. To allow myself to just reset and recharge. If you ask most people who know me, they’d say, “she is always on the go in some way”. Recently I’ve put all that aside, and put more focus on myself and my wellness goals. Allowing myself to be, the best me. Not just with what I produce, or outcomes I achieve, but who I fundamentally am.
“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete”
Jack Kornfield
For the first time in a long time, I want to focus solely on nothing but feeling better. Just be in the moment and feel well. Not a worry, not a care, just wellness. For as long as I’ve known myself, I am always striving for something. There is some goal, either in the forefront or background that I’m working on, in the near or distant future. However, lately, I’ve abandoned all that and am just allowing myself to “be”. So here are the insights I’ve recently gained:
I’m not wasting time, I’m giving myself space to recharge
As I mentioned in a previous post, I tend to be busy. If I’m not physically doing something, mentally I’m wrestling with it. For the past few weeks, I’ve put a pause on that. My energy now, is focused on what can I do for my wellness. I’ve set a daily goal to walk at least 10,000 steps. Built a routine of meditation and healthy eating. As well as, committed to being in the moment. While these are things I’ve done before, they are now a priority, rather than a hope I intend to achieve.
I am feeling so much better.
I’m sleeping better, eating better, and overall have a more positive outlook on life. The little bouts of anxiety which would pop up, have disappeared because I spend more time in the moment. I truly feel recharged. This is like the missing piece. Rather than work on empty, I now approach everything from a space of fullness. This truly is the benefit of allowing yourself to reset and recharge.
I am identifying what is important to me and why
Perhaps it’s the realities of Covid or the many things going on in the world, I’ve shifted into a space of gratitude. Anticipating the next step, but not at the expense of the moment. There have been so many times when I didn’t fully experience something because my mind was on the next step. This is something I’m intentionally working on. I feel from a young age we are programmed to focus on what we are supposed to want, rather than define what works for us. Because of this, we go through life looking to tick a series of boxes. Instead, I want to come up with my own list, and be able articulate my why. Not everyone is going to be the “next big thing” and that is okay. Slowing down to be in the moment, can help with developing insight.
Learning to remain open and keep learning
Despite knowing what we “should do”, sometimes we find ourselves doing the opposite. My latest insights aren’t new to me, I’ve spent years working on this stuff. However, it’s like watching a movie you’ve seen previously and noticing something you didn’t recognize the first time. There is always more to see and learn. I am learning to be open and experience things differently. Allowing myself to have a human experience and not feel that I need to know what’s happening every step of the way.
So that’s me and where I am right now. It’s taken some time to get used to, but that’s the beauty of the human experience. There is always more to learn and apply to our lives. Rather than get in my head and further frustrate myself, I am choosing to let go and see things from different eyes. The great thing is, that I’m actually enjoying the journey. So don’t be afraid to allow yourself to reset and recharge!